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  "W. T. Samsel is an outstanding paraphysical authority. As a ceremonial facilitator, he exemplifies reverence and respect for Native American traditions. As a spirit realm communicator, he displays inborn psychic ability."  ---  Jon Stevens, author of "A Healer Among Us" and "The Astrology Diet."

   "Just beyond our physical senses, is the spirit world. Everything that is alive, has a spirit in it. The gift of life, is from the Creator, the Great Spirit, God. He created the universe and everything in it. Such is the Law of One." - Bill Samsel.

What IS the Akashic Record?

Akashia is quite simply, the history of the soul's journey through time and space. You see, the thing that makes you "alive", the part of you that doesn't die, has existed in physical form before and will most likely take on physical form again. The Akashic Record is the soul's memory of its past. It is a Karmic Law, that a soul (or life-force) does not retain the knowledge of it's past when it takes on physical form. That is why, in this lifetime, you have no memory of it. Or do you?

    "We have soul memory. It is very different from our brain's facility for memory. It is at the very core of our being. It is who we are, our talents and abilities, it is our very nature and motivations. It is a part of our spiritual and physical make-up."

     Where does one find that "something" which many people spend entire lifetimes trying to find? It is that something we are all looking for, without knowing what it is, or being able to define it. We remember it somehow, deep down inside. We have a longing for it and search for it in the physical world and for far too many, it is never found.
But there is a key to unlocking some of the secrets of the Akashic record, a way to focus in to past incarnations.

The Kingdom of Heaven = spirit world

Jesus said...
"The kingdom of Heaven is within you."   and...
        "If you destroy this temple, in three days I shall raise it up!"

We were created in God's image... spirit form! We are all spirits that are having a physical experience.
"The body is the spacesuit your soul puts on to participate in the physical world." - Bill Samsel.

"We are all time travelers!" - Bill Samsel.

We're all like Doctor Who! We're travellers in time. We regenerate into new bodies for each lifetime. The only thing is, we don't remember any of it! We are cut off, from that knowledge. Only when we release physical form, do we become aware of our soul's history. However, if we learn how to focus our concentration and utilize the chakras, we can tap into bits of it.


Author of "TODAY'S NEW ATLANTIS" Bill writes about the true history of mankind, the Law of One and Atlantis reincarnated as our present technological society.
He has fasciltated fire ceremonials within his ceremonial circle in the Arizona desert.  He has written for Truthseeker Magazine, Nexus Magazine, Sedona's Open Mind, Magical Blend Magazine and David Icke's web site and newsletter.


God took on human form...

I believe in God, the Father almighty,  creator of Heaven and earth.  I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, our Lord,  who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,  born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again;  he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.  He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church,  the communion of Saints,  the forgiveness of sins,  the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.




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